Ovarian Cancer

It's important for women to find out what ovarian cancer is. This cancer ranks as the eighth most disease in women. In addition, ovarian cancer causes of death known as the silent killer.

Ovarian cancer affects women without realizing it at an early stage so that when the cancer is detected, it is already at an advanced stage that can cause death.

What is the ovary?

It's good to know what the ovary is. Ovary is the female reproductive organs shaped like beans. It is stored in the cavity of the lower abdomen. Ovarian function as a production female egg cells.

Reproductive organ ovaries become crucial for the survival of human heredity. If ovarian disease then it will affect the reproductive process in females.

What is ovarian cancer?

Ovarian cancer is a malignancy that attacks the ovaries in women that causes abnormal development of cells.

what is ovarian cancer
image credit: klikdokter.com
In another sense, ovarian cancer is a malignant tumor that can arise in one or both ovaries. Usually occurs in women after menopause, but sometimes in younger women.

Ovarian cancer usually causes no symptoms until it reaches the advanced level. At that time, the cancer is very difficult to treat effectively. Ovarian cancer is usually aggressive and can spread quite rapidly in its development.

Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer

In addition to knowing what ovarian cancer is, women also must know the symptoms of this cancer. If you encounter the following symptoms, do not delay to see a doctor immediately.

# Pain in the abdomen.
# Abdominal swelling.
# No appetite or difficult to eat.
# Hard lump in stomach
# Often feel satiety.
# Bloated constantly.
# Vaginal bleeding.
# Weight loss drastically.
# Headaches and often feel tired.
# If the tumor is large, the pressure on the bladder can cause frequent urination.
# Shortness of breath once in a while if the tumor pressing on the diaphragm.

Although the symptoms of ovarian cancer may be associated with other conditions, you should still talk with your doctor, so as not to become malignant and spread. Additional symptoms may include back pain, fatigue, indigestion, pain during sexual intercourse, and significant changes in menstruation.

Causes of Ovarian Cancer

The exact cause of ovarian cancer incidence has not been definitively confirmed. But this cancer is genetic. There are various theories about the causes of ovarian cancer. It is more common in older women.

Ovarian cancer is more rare in women who had used oral contraceptives for several years, and women who missed period and early menopause.

Ovarian Cancer Prevention

The women can prevent ovarian cancer in several ways.

# It is strongly recommended for early detection of ovarian cancer in women who are symptomatic (without symptoms) is only a physical examination every year. Overall pelvic examination can sometimes detect ovarian cancer, and is usually already in an advanced stage.

oral contraceptive for ovarian cancer prevention
image credit: en.wikipedia.org
# The use of oral contraceptive is associated with reduced risk by 50% of cases to develop into ovarian cancer. However, this can lead to the risk of developing breast cancer. Therefore, it needs good counseling about the effects and consequences that can affect a patient.

# Another way that can be used in preventing ovarian cancer is by oophorectomy (surgical removal of ovaries). In some women with high risk of ovarian cancer, fallopian tubes should be removed.

Ovarian Cancer Treatment

Generally, the treatment of ovarian cancer can be done medically with surgical removal of the ovaries, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy.


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